These are Movement Cultures.

A culture of movement is the collective values, people, and environment that surround a discipline of movement.

Your teachers.

Your partners.

Your classmates.

Your environment.

Teachers over Trainers

The teacher is what makes learning interesting. They create the culture, set the mood, and make a thing worth learning, and by extension: worth working for.

We know we must train. We also know that we must learn.

It’s just a matter of finding the right teacher who shares the same feelings.

Our Programs

  • The martial art of Muay Thai, taught in a modern context.

    Adult Classes MWF 6-7.30

  • The gentle art for self defence, sport, and recreation.

    Youth Classes MWF 4pm

    Youth Classes MWF 4pm

    Adult Classes T Th 7.30-9pm

  • For her, by her. Because female programs shouldn’t be diluted versions of male programs.

A good physique and improved outlook is a side effect of a healthy physical education experience.